- Festival Descriptions and Goal;
- The 2019 Love International Film Festival (LIFF) will focus on bringing films and filmmakers from the international community whose work we feel brings the world closer together and promotes love and healing through cinema. All proceeds for the 2019 LIFF will be given to the Lotus Light Children’s Charity.
- LIFF’s 2019 festival will be held September 16th, 2020 through the September 18th, 2020. The festival will be held in Los Angeles, California.
- The festival will include opening night party, screenings, red carpet events, Q and A after screening, panels with industry executives, Awards Ceremony and a private after party following the awards ceremony.
- LIFF is seeking films that:
- Inspire feelings of peace, love, acceptance, and tolerance towards children and families.
- We like to see any kind of film which deals with family matters, Children, Animal, Cultural or natures that true love bring awareness and souls together. Film that inspires feelings of peace, love, acceptance, and tolerance towards Children, Families, Friends, Nations, Cultures, Nature and Animals.
- Dare to expose or share injustices of any kind found throughout the world towards fellow Human beings, Children, Animal, or Nature that can enlighten audiences and enable a more globalized effort towards eradicating the problem.
- Documentaries that educate and display the sharing of culture and its impact, through local and historic customs, rituals, dance, and art form.
- We encourage all films and/or documentaries that show your country’s traditions, customs, culture, and how that has affected you and made you proud of whom you are, and a proud advocate of change and betterment for equality.