Festival Rules and Regulations


At LIFF We are seeking film/video that conveys the following messages:

Inspires feelings of peace, love, acceptance, tolerance and deal with family oriented subject.

Have candid, personal sharing of culture and its impact, through local and historic customs, rituals, dance, and art form for family film, documentary film.

In any genre dare to expose or share any injustices therein, thereby enlightening the audience and enabling, a more globalized effort toward eradicating the problem.

We encourage all films and/or documentaries that show your countrys traditions, customs, and culture, and how that has affected you and made you proud of whom you are, and/or possibly made you a proud advocator of change and betterment for equality.

Preview Format:

Preview submission must be submitted through Withoutabox secure online link or on a standard DVD-R/DVD+R,

Below are the accepted file formats for digital uploads:

.MP4 files using the H.264 video codec and the AAC audio codec

.MOV files using the H.264 video codec and the AAC audio codec

Important: our file MUST be less than 2GB!

Short films must be under 30 minutes.

Features must not be over 2.30 Minutes or less than 110 Minutes.

Sitcom under 30 minutes.

You may submit more than one Film.

Separate entries and release forms are required for each film.

(Second and subsequent submissions by same director or producer will be half the required fees. Please provide your submission number with your second and after second one.)

DVD Screener (NTSC Region 0 or PAL Region 2).

Copies of works in languages other than English must be subtitled.

(Please do not submit multiple projects on the same disc. If we receive a submission with

multiple films on one disc, we will only consider the first film included.)

Included with your submission:

After you have completed the online application, all we need from you is a single copy of your film. In an effort to cut down on waste, we ask that you do not send printed press or promotional materials to us.

Two options are by digital upload or by mailing a DVD.

Quite often, films sent to us in standard size retail DVD cases will become dislodged during shipping, resulting in

scratched, unplayable discs.

We recommend mailing your film in a paper sleeve or slim jewel/clamshell case. Please refrain from taping your disc to any surface, as tape residue may also render your disc unplayable. Our preferred method of packaging is a medium(approximately 6x 9), bubble padded envelope.

It is not necessary to wrap your disc in bubble wrap and mail it to us in an oversized box. Doing so will only make it more difficult for us to process your film once it is received.

Please do not use a paper label on your disc!

There are many different variables with stickers and paper labels that could render your disc unplayablea permanent marker (such as a Sharpie) will work just fine.

Discs with text or graphics printed directly on the surface are also acceptable.

If you have already completed the 2015 application, you may send your film to us at the address below. Please ensure that your unique Withoutabox tracking number is written on both the face of your disc AND on the front of the mailing envelope.

After your submission, you will get an email confirming your submission with a number. Within one week after your submission, you will be notified via email that we have received your submission.


If your film is a short (less than 50 minutes in length), it is still eligible even though it has been broadcast on television. If your feature length film (50 minutes or longer) is from the U.S. and has had one or more local or nationwide television airings anywhere in the world, that particular cut is NOT eligible for submission. However, it may be submitted if the version that aired on TV is significantly different from the one you wish to submit. For example, a documentary that aired in an hour-long TV slot may still be submitted if a longer cut is created for the purposes of theatrical distribution. If your feature-length film originates from outside of the U.S., it may have been broadcast on television within its country of origin and still maintain eligibility.

We encourage filmmakers of all ages to submit their work. However, we do not have any separate categories or programs specifically related to young or student filmmakers. All submitted films will compete against each other for available slots in each program. If you are under the age of 18 and your film is accepted, we will require signed, written permission from your parent or legal guardian before we are able to screen your film.

Clearance for music or other copyrighted material:

From a legal standpoint, you must clear all copyrighted materials included in your film before you can publicly screen it. However, Love International Film Festival does not check to ensure that you have obtained clearance for these materials at any point during the application process, nor will we be held responsible for any inclusion of uncleared materials in your film. It is the sole responsibility of the entity submitting the project to secure permission from the copyright holder of the material in question, whether it is music, stock footage, or any other elements that could violate an existing copyright. Films that are accepted into the Festival must sign a waiver stating that materials used in the film do not violate any existing copyright. Quite often, rights holders offer reduced rates for festival films, so you should contact them directly to avoid any potential rights infringements.

Confirming your submission:

After your submission, you will get an email confirming your submission with a number. Within one week after your submission, you will be notified via email that we have received your submission.

The post mark deadline is Number first.

Full production credits and directors biography required.

• Film synopsis – 50 words.

Submission fees are non-refundable.

Contest winner will be announced on the LIFF site. Also will be released globally by press release agency and social Media.

Important: At LIFF we like to be more than film festival. We like to promote your film especially if you are a new film maker as well.

Therefore for your trailer to be played in our screening box you must send your trailer as: Avi, mpeg or quicktime.

Note 1: There will be no exceptions, only film which paid entry fees will be permitted and consider for completions. DVDs will not be returned.

Note 2: LIFF reserves the right to decline any film/material. We also reserve the right to select a winner in all categories at any stage after the deadline based on the number of the entries in each category.

Note 3: If you submit your film to Lotus Light International Children Film Festivalas well you will get 30% off of your submission fee at “LIFF”. Or you have a choice to allow LIFF to donate the extra fee to the Lotus light children charity on your behalf. (You must provide your prove of entry to “LIFF” to “Love International Film Festival to get your 30% entry discount. To learn more about TLLCC go to: www.thelotuslightchildrencharity.org

All communications between LIFF and film contestants must be via email. So if you change your email address please provide LIFF with your new email address.


I, the authorized representative of the project being submitted (hereafter called the “Film”) to Love International Film Festival for consideration for the 2016 Love International Film Festival (hereafter called the “LIFF”), hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:

I represent and warrant to LIFF that: ( a ) I am duly authorized, on my own behalf and on behalf of all other persons or entities who have any ownership rights or interests (including, without limitation, intellectual property rights) in or relating to the Film (hereafter called the “Films Owners”), to exhibit this Film at the Festival, (b) exhibition of the Film at the Festival will not violate any law or any right or consent of any person or entity; and (c) the Film is not subject to any litigation, arbitration, or other adversarial claim or proceeding, nor is the Film the subject of any threat of litigation, arbitration, or other adverse claim or proceeding.

I further represent and warrant, on behalf of myself and the Films Owners, that the exhibition of the Film at LIFF will not violate or infringe any copyright, patent, privacy right, publicity right, trademark, service mark or any other personal or property right of any person or entity, and that the Film does not constitute or include a defamation of any person or entity. I have paid and will pay in full all license fees, clearance fees, and other obligations, of any kind, arising from or associated with the exhibition of the Film at or in connection with

In the event that the Film is accepted by LIFF for inclusion in the Festival, I acknowledge, on behalf of myself and the Films Owners, that the Institutes exhibition or presentation of the Film at the Festival does not and will not create any confidential or fiduciary relationship between the Institute on the one hand and myself and/or the Films Owners on the other. I further acknowledge, on behalf of myself and the Films Owners, that I and we understand that neither I nor any of the Films Owners will receive any compensation for such exploitation, although some prizes at the Festival may include cash awards. I acknowledge that no obligation of any kind is assumed by, or may be implied against, LIFF or the Festival in the event of, by virtue of, or as a result of the LIFFs selection of the Film for the Festival. I and the Films Owners understand and acknowledge that the selection of the Film for inclusion in the Festival does not and will not in any way constitute an express or implied endorsement or approval by LIFF or the Festival of the content of the Film or any opinion expressed therein.

I agree, on behalf of myself and each of the Films Owners, to indemnify and hold harmless the Institute and the Festival, together with each of their parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, attorneys, creative advisors, agents and representatives (collectively, LIFF Related Parties), from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, fees and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneysfees and other costs) that may be asserted by any person or entity, or may be incurred by the LIFF, the Festival, or any LIFF Related Parties, at any time in connection with the Film or LIFFs use, handling or consideration thereof, and/or arising from any breach or alleged breach of any representation made by me to LIFF, the Festival or any LIFF Related Parties, including, without limitation, any express or implied representation in these Terms and Conditions.

I warrant and agree, on behalf of myself and each of the Films Owners, that the Film is being submitted to the LIFF voluntarily and without promise or inducement, and that the submission of the Film neither imposes nor creates any obligation or responsibility on the part of LIFF, the Festival, or any LIFF Related Parties to accept the Film for inclusion in the Festival, to exhibit the Film at the Festival, to acknowledge the submission of the Film, or to return the Film to me or others. I further agree, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Films Owners, that I and the Films Owners, in submitting the Film for consideration, are waiving, forfeiting, foregoing and relinquishing any right that I or we might otherwise have to assert any claim or commence any proceeding in any forum or tribunal against LIFF, the Festival, or any LIFF Related Parties, based upon, arising out of or otherwise relating to the submission, exhibition or failure to exhibit the Film (including, without limitation, claims relating to any failure or refusal to exhibit the Film at the Festival, the exhibition or marketing of the Film at or in connection with the Festival, alleged oral or written representations by the Festival or its representatives relating to the submission or exhibition of the Film, and any other matters arising from or relating to the submission of the Film), whether such claims may be based on theories of contract, implied contract, tort, statute, or other legal theory (hereinafter, Claim). In the event that any Claim is asserted, or any action, arbitration or other proceeding is brought or commenced, in violation of the agreement set forth in the immediately preceding sentence, I agree, on my own behalf and on behalf of each of the Films Owners, to indemnify the Institute and the Festival from any and all Claims, losses, liabilities, damages, fees and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneysfees and other costs) that are incurred by the Institute, the Festival and any LIFF Related Parties as a result of or in connection with any such Claim or any action, arbitration or other proceeding brought in violation of the representations and agreements set forth in this paragraph, including, without limitation, reimbursement of all attorneysfees incurred or to be incurred by the Institute, the Festival, or any LIFF Related Parties in connection with any Claim or any action, arbitration or other proceeding brought or initiated by me or any of the Films Owners or any other representative of, or person affiliated with, the Film.

Without in any way limiting the provisions or scope of the agreements set forth in paragraph 5 above and paragraph 10 below, I further agree and accept that, in the event that any Claim is asserted, or any action, arbitration or other proceeding is brought or commenced, by me, any of the Films Owners, or any other representative of or person affiliated with the Film, in violation of the agreements set forth in paragraph 5 above, and in the further event that an arbitrator or other tribunal should permit such Claim to proceed despite the waiver language set forth in paragraph 5 above, the sole and maximum remedy that could be awarded to me or any other person or entity asserting any Claim shall be a refund of the submission fee paid in connection with the submission of the Film to LIFF for consideration for the Festival. Under no circumstances shall any other remedy, including without limitation actual, expectancy, reliance, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages, or any other damages, or injunction, declaratory, provisional or other relief, be available to me, the Films Owners, or any other person or entity representing or affiliated with the Film.

In the event that the Film is accepted by the Institute for inclusion in and exhibition at the Festival, I hereby grant, on behalf of myself and each of the Films Owners, each of the following rights to LIFF, the Festival, and any LIFF Related Parties without reservations, conditions or qualifications: (a) the right to use footage, stills and/or titles, and information from or relating to the Film for promotional purposes; and (b) the right to issue and authorize publicity concerning the filmmakers and the Film and to use all associated names, likenesses and biographical information. I also agree to provide up-to-date contact information pertaining to the director and producer(s) of the Film, and to grant LIFF and the Festival, at their sole and absolute discretion, the right to provide this information to film industry organizations that sponsor Festival events.

I warrant and agree, on behalf of myself and each of the Films Owners, that LIFF has made no claims, representations or guarantees, and has provided no assurances, in relation to the internal process utilized by the LIFF with respect to selection of films for inclusion in the Festival, and that the submission of the Film neither imposes nor creates any obligation or responsibility on the part of the LIFF, the Festival, or any LIFF Related Parties to provide me, the Films Owners, or my or their related parties with comments, feedback or other information pertaining to the viewing or consideration of the Film by the Institute for possible inclusion in the Festival.

I represent that I am 18 years of age or older, or that, if I am younger than the legal age to enter into contracts in my state, I have provided LIFF with signed, written consent from my parent or legal guardian.

Without in any way limiting the provisions or scope of the agreements set forth in paragraph 5 above, I further agree, on behalf of myself and each of the Films Owners, that any claim, dispute or controversy arising out of, in connection with, or otherwise related to the Film, the Festival, or these Terms and Conditions, including, without limitation, any Claim (as this term is defined above) and any other claim or cause of action of any nature arising from the actual or alleged breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity of these Terms and Conditions, as well as the determination of the scope or applicability of this agreement to arbitrate, will be governed by the internal, substantive laws of the State of California and will be subject to and submitted to exclusive, binding arbitration before a single arbitrator in Los Angeles, California, which shall be the sole and exclusion forum for determination of such claim, dispute or controversy. Such arbitration will be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures then in effect. The arbitrator will be selected by mutual agreement of the parties or, if the parties are unable to agree on an arbitrator, will be appointed by JAMS pursuant to its Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures then in effect. The arbitrator shall issue a written award and, subject to the terms of paragraph 6 hereof, shall have the right to award monetary relief. I specifically agree and acknowledge, however, that the arbitrator shall not have the power to award punitive or exemplary damages, nor shall the arbitrator have the power to order the Institute to include the Film in the Festival or to award other injunctive or non-monetary relief. The arbitrator shall have the power to award, and shall be required to award, to the substantially prevailing party in any such arbitration, its reasonable attorneysfees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with the arbitration (including, without limitation, reimbursement of that partys share of the arbitrators fees and JAMS administrative charges). The arbitrators award shall be final, binding and non-appealable. Judgment on the arbitrators award may be entered in any federal or state court of competent jurisdiction in the United States. In agreeing to this exclusive arbitration provision, I hereby waive, forfeit and relinquish, on behalf of myself and each of the Films Owners, any right or entitlement that I or the Films Owners might otherwise have had to bring or litigate any claim or claims encompassed by this paragraph in any federal or state court against LICFF, the Festival, or any LICFF Related Party, and further waive, forfeit and relinquish any right to a trial by jury with respect to such claim or claims.

I hereby acknowledge that I have the right to consult with an attorney of my own choosing with respect to these Terms and Conditions and with respect to the Rules and Regulations for submitting a film to the Festival, located at https://loveinternationalfilmfestival.com/ By clicking I Agreebelow, I agree that I am doing so after having consulted with an attorney or after I freely or voluntarily elected not to do so without coercion or duress.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the Rules and Regulations for submitting a film to the Festival, and that the information contained in said Rules and Regulations does and shall supersede any information obtained elsewhere, including, but not limited to, information contained in any Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) documents and/or rules and regulations documents from prior years.

By clicking “I Agreebelow, I freely and voluntarily give and express my full and complete acceptance of all of the terms and provisions set forth in these Terms and Conditions. I acknowledge that no oral representations, inducements, promises or assurances of any kind, and no representations, inducements, promises or assurances not set forth in these Terms and Conditions, have been made to me or the Films Owners by the Festival, LIFF, or any Love International Film Festival Related Parties.