Silver Sponsor will receive:
100 Passes to all LIFF Film Screenings at the Crest Theater, and Q & A with filmmakers after each screening included.
20 passes to after screening private party, walk on the red carpet and mingling with stars for opening night at Flame International.
150 passes to Award Show Night.
20 Complete VIP Experience Passes, to LIFF Awards Show Private After Party, mingle with stars and Walk on the Star-studded Red Carpet.
:30 Commercial to run on TLLCC Official Website for 18 months.
:30 Commercial to run on LIFF Official Website 1 years.
Premier Banner Presence on Homepage of LIFF Official Website for 1 year.
Premier Banner Presence on Homepage of TLLCC Official Website for 1 year.
Banner on all TLLCC social media for 1 years
Logo on LIFF Red Carpet Step and Repeat
Ad/Logo on all LIFF social media for 1 Year
Ad/Logo on all TLLCC social media and web pages for 1 years
Logo on LIFF Red Carpet banner, on all Events/Screenings/Award Show
Nights/and VIP Final Private Party
Sponsor Half Page Color Ad on our LIFF Festival Program, 1500 copies distribution.
An acknowledgment, whenever possible, on any of our LIFF or TLLCC radio commercials, or interview Mr. Servati the founder, will conduct. (Radio or TV may not allow us some Sponsor mentions, due to their own policies, conflict of interest, time allowance etc.)
30 LIFF Gift Bags at the Award Show Night/Private After Awards Show Party, to include the following:
- LIFF Women’s T-shirt,
- LIFF Women Tank top.
- LIFF Men’s T-shirt.
- LIFF Women’s hat.
- LIFF Men’s hat
- A copy of the highly anticipated spiritual poetry book entitled “I Am A Lotus” by the founder, Ata Servati.
If you wish to be LIFF/TLLCC sponsor please send us an email at: